Soul Retrieval Ceremony


Reclaiming lost pieces of your spirit, your self, is a journey to wholeness.

Addictions, numbing out, and busyness are often attempts to cope and survive, to bury grief, heartache, and loss. You may be searching out-there for ways to fit in, fill up the emptiness, and soothe overwhelm and stress.

Soul Retrievals generate healing from the inside out.

Your wholeness, your gifts, your natural ways of being, can be remembered, regenerated, and reclaimed.

Remember the beauty of who you really are.

Enjoying what you love, trusting your inner knowings, creating balance in relationships, embodying your body, feeling at home in yourself and your life ~ these are healing potentials of Soul Retrievals.

Past events do not need to be re-lived in order to heal. Soul Retrieval Ceremony clears away out-of-balance patterns and reweaves integrity, harmony, balance, and well-being. This ceremonial healing offers a sacred homecoming filled with freedom to be who you really are and live all the more fully now.

Being guided in the Soul Retrieval Spirit Journey, you’ll learn how to continue this healing on your own. Personal Healing Retreat can also be designed to include Soul Retrieval Ceremony.

Healing in Community

Soul Retrieval Ceremony: Monthly Online Gatherings

In traditional ways, Soul Retrieval Spirit Journeys are repeated to support the organic process of healing and to integrate the transformations unfolding through time.

Each monthly gathering includes a guided Soul Retrieval Spirit Journey.

We are co-creating a circle with connectedness and care for each individual and their unique path.

“I continue to have profound realizations since my soul retrieval journey. Thanks so much.” ~ C.D.