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Taos Social Club: Throwing the Bones + Dinner

RSVP for location in Taos Taos, New Mexico

 Taos Social Club's First Gathering! Join us for an afternoon of connection, a beautiful ceremony, and some delicious food that we craft and enjoy together! Throwing the Bones Ceremony Throwing […]

Equinox Ceremony: Throwing the Bones

Online Gathering Throwing the Bones Ceremony

Throwing the Bones Ceremony: Equinox Gathering Explore the art of balance in the flow of changing seasons in your life and on our earth. Join us in ceremony to receive […]

Equinox Ceremony • Throwing the Bones

Prana Blessings 1925 Rosina St., Unit C, Santa Fe, NM, United States

Equinox Ceremony Equinox is a unique alignment with our earth and sun which creates equal amount of time between sunrise and sunset. Equinox is a natural teacher about balance and […]

Soul Retrievals • Healing in Community

Online Series: June 8, July 13, August 10, September 14

Soul Retrieval • Healing in Community Soul Retrievals are a healing path to re-membering your wholeness and feeling the beauty and wonder of who you really are. Soul Retrieval Spirit […]