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Birthing the Era of the Heart: Ceremonial Guidance

May 16 & May 23 • Online Gatherings

This is the Bridge Time, according to the elders. We are making a transition from unsustainable, judgment-based, out-of-balance ways into the Era of the Heart. How do we get from here to there? What are the gifts you bring to the birthing and rebuilding? Living in heart-centered ways  ~ what does this look like and […]

Soul Retrievals • Healing in Community

Online Series: June 8, July 13, August 10, September 14

Soul Retrieval • Healing in Community Soul Retrievals are a healing path to re-membering your wholeness and feeling the beauty and wonder of who you really are. Soul Retrieval Spirit Journeys are an ancient healing tradition to tend to the effects of woundings. This ceremonial healing clears away out-of-balance patterns and regenerates integrity, harmony, inner […]