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Gifts of the Heart
December 10, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm MST
Changing seasons and shifting cycles are unfolding ~ New Moon, Solstice, new calendar year, holiday celebrations in diverse traditions. Heightened energies are flowing. So much to do and not enough time. Losses and loneliness may rise to the surface.
Join me in ceremony to settle into healing sacred space. Let yourself remember the beauty of being in connection with yourself, others, our earth, ancestors and spirit guidance.
How can you feel and share the genuine gifts of your heart?
Throwing the Bones Ceremony: Gifts of the Heart
December 10, 1-2:30pm (MST, USA) • Online Gathering
register to receive zoom link • recording will be provided after our gathering
It is my honor and joy to be in ceremony with you!