Dreaming a new dream – that’s how we’ll change our lives and our world.
The seeds of your dreams live in the fertile ground of your imagination, in the callings of your heart, in the passion for innovation and possibilities.
Seeds carry the knowing of who and what will come into existence, their sacred purposes, essential relationships, and belonging in the web of life. Your visions and dreams, like all seeds, need nourishment and care.
Cherish your dreams. Plant them in the center of your heart.
Honor the readying that takes place in the stillness.
Your dreams are a piece of creation and hold the potential to regenerate life.
Give your dreams generous space to root and grow.
What do you really want? for your life? for our earth? for all life?
JoAnne you always offer such thought provoking ideas in your blog. Maybe the solitude of that the virus has brought will help people answer these important questions. Give them time to think long and hard about what they REALLY want.
Thank you, Fred. These seemingly simple questions can lead us to such beautiful, empowering discoveries – of our passions and our dreams for our personal lives, for one another, and for our earth.
Heart to Heart,