Deliciousness of Life & More from Our Ceremony

Deliciousness of Life & More from Our Ceremony

Tobacco Offering, create sacred ceremonial space Giving & Receiving, boundless sharing ~ Horse Medicine Deliciousness of Life, a vital nourishment ~ Wild Boar Medicine These are a few of the gifts from our Solstice and New Moon Ceremony. Enjoy these video clips....


As we find our way through challenging times, when healing and change feel out of reach, when you begin to doubt that just one person can make a difference, remember… Remember the times long before nuclear bombs mass incarceration and children in cages at our...
Spirit Stories & Healing Art

Spirit Stories & Healing Art

We are intimately connected with all that exists beyond physical time and space – with the spirits, ancestors, and ancient knowledges living in the lands, waters, our bodies, and the stars. Many people’s encounters with the unseen realms are hidden away, often...
Lioness in the Heart

Lioness in the Heart

Lioness is calling to the Heart of Humanity. She is calling to the remembering of our own heart’s knowings for building our world, for creating our ways of living, so we are nourishing, loving, and protecting the generations now and to come. Have a listen…...
Healing Waters

Healing Waters

Granddaughter. Her gentle voice drifted through the veils between worlds and landed directly in my heart. She was standing nearby, her presence so visceral. She had come when I’d called to the ancestors for help. Granddaughter. The naming welcomed me inside a...
♥️ Mother Earth

♥️ Mother Earth

Mother Earth is offering a powerful invitation to revision our relationship with her, ourselves, each other, and all life. Have a listen. Soak in the medicines. Enjoy this sharing from our Throwing of the Bones Ceremony… Our ceremony was held on a windy, firey...