by JoAnne Dodgson | May 30, 2020 | Blog
I went to the red rock mesas to be in ceremony to grieve for so many with so many for so much I went to the red rock mesas to sit on sacred grounds to breathe – everybody’s birthright to listen to be in the field of a wide-open embrace of the unbound love...
by JoAnne Dodgson | May 19, 2020 | Blog
“There is a crack in everything That’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen Here we are in a global pandemic. Not the first time as humans. Not the first immense shifting in life on our planet. Still, here we are. I’m wondering how...
by JoAnne Dodgson | Apr 18, 2020 | Blog
In the midst of quarantines and closures within each of us lives a spaciousness ready and waiting to be found. You are as vast as a star. Mother Earth is showing us the instinctive power of healing in what looks like magic in the organic unfolding in just a few weeks:...
by JoAnne Dodgson | Apr 18, 2020 | Blog
Finding Your Song Ceremony is a traditional ceremony in the Ka Ta See lineage. This guided ceremony is a pathway for remembering your natural way of being ~ loving, aware, awake, connected, peaceful, playful, creative, knowing, curious…and so much...
by JoAnne Dodgson | Apr 1, 2020 | Blog
Today I saw a butterfly her blue speckled wings glistened in the sunlight the magic of her metamorphosis danced around in the winds. She flew over the sagebrush and landed on red sandy soil resting awhile opening and closing her wings a silent rhythmic drumbeat...
by JoAnne Dodgson | Mar 13, 2020 | Blog
Remembering What Lives Beyond the Fears With the escalation of fears, we often get lost in overwhelm and powerlessness, blaming and judging, and the survival mode patterns of fight or flight or freeze. While tending to physical health in our personal and collective...