When Tree Frogs Sing

When Tree Frogs Sing

Medicine for the New Year We, too, can weave balance and harmony in our lives, in our relationships, in life on our earth. It all starts on the inside… When Tree Frogs...
Beyond the Bounds

Beyond the Bounds

It was some kind of magic. Jasmine was staying close to home, not roaming far and wide in her instinctive wild dog ways. Whenever I checked on her, she was somewhere in sight, resting under a tree or in the warmth of the sun, and offering a tail-wagging greeting....
Birthing Stone

Birthing Stone

I went out to the mesas to gather stones to revive a ceremony I created years ago. Beginning on New Moon, the first stone is set in place for the making of a spiral. Day by day, stone by stone, shift by shift in the moon’s dance with the earth, the spiral comes into...
Spirit Medicine: Videos

Spirit Medicine: Videos

Soak in the guidance and healing from our Equinox Throwing of the Bones Ceremony. Enjoy the 4 video clips shared below. Listen and feel what the Spirits have to say about Balance from the Heart, Relationship with Mother Earth, Belonging in the Web of Life, and...
Gifts of Equinox

Gifts of Equinox

We live in a universe of cycles within cycles within cycles. Wherever we are on the earth, we are moving into the Equinox. The heart of Autumn is opening in the Northern Hemisphere while Spring is coming alive in the lands and waters south of the equator. The Full...