Cacao Ceremony
Personal Cacao Ceremony
Awaken Your Heart
Honor Life Passages
Quest for Spiritual Guidance
Reclaim Your Passions & Feed Your Dreams
Cacao is sacred food and ancient ceremonial medicine.
When eating and drinking Cacao, we are touching, tasting, and welcoming in the healing gifts of the Tree of Life.
Explore the heart-opening medicines of Cacao.
For your personal ceremony, cacao elixir will prepared just for you.
Love Chocolate?
Here’s a magical story for you ~ Spirit of Chocolate: A Woman’s Journey to the Rainforest in Search of Her Dreams
“So evocative, tender and filled with hope.” ~A.C.
Spirit of Chocolate will carry you home to your heart, awaken your dreams, and set you off on sacred quests to restore harmony and love in your life and on our earth.
A sweet healing medicine story ~ a gift for yourself and loved ones.
Order your copies of Spirit of Chocolate from:
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“Spirit of Chocolate is a truly enchanting story that brought a sparkle to my eyes, made my heart sing, and restored my state of hope that dreaming a new world into being is possible. JoAnne Dodgson is a brilliant storyteller and this book is a true gem.”
~ Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval and Walking in Light