Writings from the Heart



Ancestral Intelligence (AI - the organic kind) Wide-open wings caught the rays of the sun as a red-tailed hawk soared from the sky landed with grace in a juniper tree  just a few steps ahead on my hike in the desert mesas Wonder filled the spaciousness between us hawk...

Sky Watchers

Sky Watchers

I just spent a few days in Southern Colorado, soaking in hot springs and wandering around the lands of Chimney Rock. These healing places have been calling me back, again and again, for almost twenty years. Here is some beauty and magic to share... ...

Magic Comes Alive

Magic Comes Alive

When I arrived at the center where our ceremony was to take place, I was told there'd been a scheduling snafu. The center had overbooked the afternoon, so we'd have to start late and end early to squeeze the ceremony in between other events. I felt discombobulated by...

What Do Whales Want? (videos)

What Do Whales Want? (videos)

Enjoy these gifts from the Spirits in our community Throwing the Bones Ceremony. Bear, Lioness, Whale... listen to the callings from our companions on earth.

Interview: Santa Fe Public Radio

Interview: Santa Fe Public Radio

Such a delight to speak with Lynn Cline on her Santa Fe Public Radio Show, Cline's Corner. We covered alot of terrain in thirty minutes...finding balance in an out-of-balance world, connecting with the earth, gifts from the spirits, healing and remembering, and more....

Sea Turtle Medicine

Sea Turtle Medicine

Sea Turtle has something to show us about being at-home wherever we are and wherever we go ~ at home in our bodies, in the cycles of our lives, in the places we inhabit, in our belonging in the vast wonder of life. Follow Sea Turtle as a guide for finding your way...

Create Pathways for Healing (interview)

Create Pathways for Healing (interview)

I'm delighted to share my interview with MysticMag. Some questions we explore... * When did you first know that being a healer was your calling? * What is the most important detail in maintaining mutual trust with clients? * What do you love most about your...

Mineral, Stardust & Ash

Mineral, Stardust & Ash

My article, Mineral, Stardust, and Ash: The Keeper of the Bones, was recently published in Sacred Hoop Magazine. Sacred Hoop Magazine is a leading international magazine about Shamanism, Sacred Wisdom, and Earth-Centered Spirituality. Please visit their website to...

Piece of Creation (videos)

Piece of Creation (videos)

You are a piece of Creation. Every being ~ coyote, hummingbird, wildflower, human, honeybee, ocean, mountain, whale ~  is a living part of Creation, a unique Co-Creator, always Creating. How can we bring alive our natural creativity, our capacities to co-create, as we...

“Keeper of the Bones” published in Indie Shaman

“Keeper of the Bones” published in Indie Shaman

I'm honored and delighted to have my essay, Keeper of the Bones, published in Indie Shaman. Please visit their website to subscribe to their magazine (print or digital issues) to enjoy Keeper of the Bones and other authors' writing. Indie Shaman is an independent...

Loving Everything

Loving Everything

The truck was frozen in place, refusing to start until the rising sun brought enough warmth to get us on the road. Along with my four-legged friend, I was moving my belongings to a new place to call home. Life felt turned inside out and upside down. There was a...