by JoAnne Dodgson | Apr 24, 2023 | Blog
When I arrived at the center where our ceremony was to take place, I was told there’d been a scheduling snafu. The center had overbooked the afternoon, so we’d have to start late and end early to squeeze the ceremony in between other events. I felt...
by JoAnne Dodgson | Apr 22, 2023 | Blog
Enjoy these gifts from the Spirits in our community Throwing the Bones Ceremony. Bear, Lioness, Whale… listen to the callings from our companions on...
by JoAnne Dodgson | Mar 27, 2023 | Blog
Such a delight to speak with Lynn Cline on her Santa Fe Public Radio Show, Cline’s Corner. We covered alot of terrain in thirty minutes…finding balance in an out-of-balance world, connecting with the earth, gifts from the spirits, healing and remembering,...
by JoAnne Dodgson | Mar 9, 2023 | Blog
Sea Turtle has something to show us about being at-home wherever we are and wherever we go ~ at home in our bodies, in the cycles of our lives, in the places we inhabit, in our belonging in the vast wonder of life. Follow Sea Turtle as a guide for finding your way...
by JoAnne Dodgson | Mar 7, 2023 | Blog
I’m delighted to share my interview with MysticMag. Some questions we explore… * When did you first know that being a healer was your calling? * What is the most important detail in maintaining mutual trust with clients? * What do you love most about your...