Taking Steps

Taking Steps

Taking baby steps. When these words are spoken to describe a process of making change, there tends to be a hint of judgment. The “smallness” needs justification. It’s a disclaimer, of sorts. As though the steps and the step-taker aren’t quite enough. As if the...
Bear Medicine

Bear Medicine

On my morning bike ride, I noticed people walking toward me with a few dogs on leashes. In their exuberant explorations, the dogs were romping around roadside to roadside. As we neared each other, we began navigating the crossing of our paths. The women corralled...
Coyote Medicine

Coyote Medicine

I saw the coyote peering back at me through the sagebrush. So highly attentive and tuned into the world around her, she was aware of my presence even with the window and adobe wall between us. With ease and grace, she turned away and disappeared among the trees. Even...
Thunder Beings, Lightning & Butterfly

Thunder Beings, Lightning & Butterfly

Our New Moon gathering, a Throwing of the Bones Ceremony, was immersed in a field of magic. We were joined by booming Thunder Beings, crackling jolts of Lightning, Winds and Rains. Just as I began describing the medicine of Butterfly who is sitting in the heart of the...
River Rock

River Rock

I was instructed by the spirits to find a special stone to bring to ceremony with groups of people. This guidance was perplexing. I’d recently moved across the country and just had let go of my license as a psychologist. Most everything in my life felt unsettled. My...