Sweetgrass & Coyote

Sweetgrass & Coyote

  We had a magical visit from our four-legged friend as we opened our ceremonial gathering.   Soak in the medicines as we gather our circle with the gifts of Tobacco, Cornmeal, Sweetgrass, Coyote, and more…   Listen to Audio Recording: Or Watch...


Dreaming a new dream – that’s how we’ll change our lives and our world. The seeds of your dreams live in the fertile ground of your imagination, in the callings of your heart, in the passion for innovation and possibilities. Seeds carry the knowing of who and what...
Earth, Our Elder

Earth, Our Elder

We are the newcomers. Our home planet earth has been living, breathing, regenerating, and moving through cycles of change in an expansive flow of time far beyond the countable years our human minds tend to hold. Earth is our elder. Earth is a lineage carrier,...
Video: Throwing of the Bones Ceremony

Video: Throwing of the Bones Ceremony

Soak in the guidance and doctoring from the spirits: How do we feel our gratitude and connection while honoring heartaches and grief during these changing times?  Watch Video from our Throwing of the Bones Ceremony (November 2020)  ...
Dolphin Medicine

Dolphin Medicine

Dolphin awakens personal and collective freedom. Learn more about Dolphin Medicine and the guidance shared for rebuilding our world and birthing freedom for all life. Listen: Dolphin...